An ill-advised loop

Greg LeMond famous­ly said, «there’s no such thing as over­train­ing, but there is such a thing as inad­e­quate rest.» Appar­ent­ly I haven’t got­ten ade­quate rest. Ouch.

I intend­ed for this to be a short loop, and it was, but I had hoped that because it was short that I’d be able to do the whole thing with­out walk breaks. I did­n’t actu­al­ly get more than a mile and a half out before slow­ing to a walk.

Though I ran in my Sauconys today I’ve been try­ing to adjust to a stride with a far­ther-for­ward land­ing, which means run­ning more on the balls of my feet and not strik­ing the ground with my heels. I’ve been warned that it takes some get­ting used to—it cer­tain­ly does. This may even­tu­al­ly make me a stronger run­ner but for the time being it means uti­liz­ing dif­fer­ent mus­cles, less well accus­tomed to the kind of exer­tion I’m ask­ing of them. Hell, even the mus­cles I usu­al­ly use aren’t accus­tomed to run­ning. So I should­n’t expect too much.

The pho­to here was tak­en on Car­oli­na Street as I was almost all the way home. Those trucks and that tele­vi­sion have been there for at least a week. Short­ly after I turned off Car­oli­na Street I start­ed run­ning uphill again but almost imme­di­ate­ly my knee felt wrong. I’m a fan of endur­ing cer­tain kinds of pain, but as soon as I get the small­est sig­nal from my joints it’s time to pack it in. I walked the rest of the way home and I think I need to take a few days before I run again. Any­thing I log over the week­end will have to be a walk, and I’m unde­cid­ed whether to do any real walk­ing. The body has spo­ken, and I need to lis­ten. Next up: rest.