Mission to Philz
I didn’t race yesterday evening and since I’m supposed to take it easy I decided to finish out my week with a walk. Maybe a very short walk tomorrow, but no running. I want to be ready to run on Sunday.
As was suggested in a comment on an earlier post, I went to the original Philz Coffee to get my morning brew. A walk through the Mission on a sunny midmorning is a much more lively experience than my treks through industrial neighborhoods to get to the Mission Bay Philz. I completely forgot to see whether they carry the Wall Street Journal, but I did pick up a jumbo travel mug, which was filled with my cup of Sumatra with cardamom. As I’d hoped, the coffee is still hot here at home and there’s more of it than if I’d just gotten a large cup.
On the way back I came across a Guzzi LeMans. I’m not sure exactly what year it is but I want to say maybe it’s an ’82. It may not be the grandaddy of my bike, but it is a great-uncle. I like seeing Guzzis in the wild. There seem to be more of them here in San Francisco than in other parts of the country, but it’s still a treat. This one was parked on Harrison Street and it looks well-loved. It gives me a little smile to see that as different as this bike is from my own Guzzi, there’s so much about it that is exactly the same. Guzzi has tweaked that motor a bit over the years, but the design remains much the same. The LeMans had the Tonti frame back when it was considered a racing frame. The pipes’ configuration including the forward crossover pipe is unchanged on my Stone from its predecessor.
Now I’m back at my desk and I have to sit at the computer for a while but I have coffee (still hot!) and I’ve gotten a little fresh air and sunshine for the day.