More trouble with the knee
I think I’m about done with these Grid Omni 5s from Saucony. I’m supposed to ease into running in the Kinvaras by running with them every other run or so, but I’m finding it uncomfortable to go back to the Omnis. At the very least, I’m finding it easy to blame a poor run on the shoes.
It’s not vanity at work, but wishful thinking. I’d love to believe that the pain I’m having in my knee will be magically cured by running in shoes without an elevated heel. I want the new shoes to be the answer to all my problems. Of course, if the shoes are actually a part of the answer, it will be because the answer is my form, not my any magic.
Today I ran from Fisherman’s Wharf out to Chrissy Field and back. The Golden Gate Bridge was lost in fog but it’s always a kick to run out to the end of the Municipal Pier and see how close Alcatraz looks from there. I used to run this route pretty regularly when I worked in an office at Fisherman’s Wharf on a daily basis. I don’t have as many opportunities any more but today I took advantage of being down at the Wharf to run the paths I used to.
My knee was bothering me quite a bit, even on the flats, and so at the top of the small hill at Fort Mason I stopped and walked almost the rest of the way back. I can tell I have been unconsciously adjusting for my knee because I have different sore muscles in each leg. On the right my hamstrings are tired, and on the left it’s my calf. How that translates to an adjustment in my stride I couldn’t tell you, but it’s plain I’m doing something different on the left side than on the right.
This being the case, it was the right thing for me to do to come back walking. I don’t want to do any more damage than I already have. I have to find a way to run without injuring myself and I’m sort of betting the farm on getting out of the traditional shoes. I need to rest, but too much rest has its own set of issues as well.
This pretty much clinches it that I’m once again not running in the Thursday evening race out at Lake Merced. I’d like to get out there before the Summer race series ends, though there is plenty of time for that. This coming weekend there’s no regular DSE race on Sunday because Saturday is the Double Dipsea. I will not be running the Double Dipsea this year. Fourteen miles of hilly trail running is too much for me even if I weren’t struggling with knee problems. I’d like to do more trail running, but the Double Dipsea is not an appropriate entry point.
Instead I’ll be volunteering at one of the aid stations. It’s about time I did some of this. I always appreciate the volunteers at the races I run, and this weekend it will be my turn to do some of the work. The following week is the Potrero Hill 4 mile race on July 4th. That’s right in my neighborhoodit almost goes past my houseso I’d like to be ready for it. That means staying off the knee and testing it in very small increments. I should probably limit myself: if I am to run, I should run no more than two miles at a time. Even one mile at a time might be smart. I might give myself a little extra distance if I do laps over at Jackson Park, but only because the grass is very forgiving.
It’s going to be a very interesting week or so. Lets see if I can successfully stave off injury and be ready for the Potrero Hill 4M.