Walk, don’t run
I’ve been instructed by one of my doctors to do a ten minute walk every day. It’s embarrassing to have to be told to do this, but she was right for a lot of reasons. I get too hung up on having to run or having to do some substantial distance. Ten minutes is barely more than walking out the door and turning around to come back. Seriously it’s a third of a mile out and a third of a mile back, more or less. Three blocks down the hill to Starbucks and back would count.
Today I took it a bit farther, but it was basically a coffee run as opposed to an actual run. I walked down to Philz at Mission Bay and came back with my cup full of Swiss Water Peruvian. It’s a pleasant enough walk, though it was a little too breezy this morning for me to be out in shorts but not running. The wind was oddly coming Westward from the Bay and it kept making my eyes tear up.
The way back was more pleasant, probably due to having my back to the wind. It’s also really not difficult to stay warm when walking uphill.
The GPS battery died while I was walking, so sorry, no map. But I got to listen to music while walking, thanks to having retrieved my iPod from the SFPD Evidence Room. It only took three years (okay, two years and ten months) for them to decide that they didn’t need to hold on to my stuff any longer. It took a few phone calls and multiple trips to the Hall of Justice but after I charged it up, all the music was still in there despite having been drained of all power for years. The real coup was getting the headphones backthey’re the best headphones for running I’ve ever had. They don’t fall out, they’re comfortable, they have reasonably good sound and don’t block out the rest of the world. I guess I could have purchased another pair, but I never did so it’s great to have them back.
Tomorrow, I’d like to get my walk (or perhaps a run) started earlier in the day. It really would be nice to do it very first thing.