
Yes, you guessed it. This is the sin­gu­lar of agen­da. And yes, its use is some­what archa­ic. OED calls it «now rare» and Cham­bers does­n’t…


I hate being wrong. Prob­a­bly no one likes it very much. I know that being wrong is part of the sci­en­tif­ic process and that many…


Found in Harp­er Lee’s *Go Set a Watch­man*. I don’t want to go in to the con­text here, but I was almost sor­ry I looked…


Found in the 25 Jan­u­ary 2014 edi­tion of *The Economist*.

Complete and utter

I came across this in the first para­graph of an old post and cringed. First, «com­plete and utter» seems redun­dant. Per­haps it isn’t always; the two…


Mr Lanier strikes again.  When I came across the sen­tence, «The strange­ness is being leached away by the mush-mak­ing process» in *You Are Not A…


Anoth­er one found in Jaron Lanier’s [*You Are Not A Gadget*]([canonical-url:2013/05/26/finding-internets-inner-human]). Lanier is earn­ing points with me for teach­ing me words. This one in particular…