More Oatmeal

Woke up ear­ly enough to exer­cise or med­i­tate, but did nei­ther. I did how­ev­er make oat­meal for the sec­ond time, and put about a third the brown sug­ar in that I did last time. It was tasty, even if it lacked the rem­i­nis­cent fla­vor of instant oat­meal from childhood.

Progress point to note: Fri­day the 13th would have been the third anniver­sary of Vikki’s and my domes­tic part­ner­ship, and it did­n’t even occur to me until yes­ter­day (Mon­day). I went through the whole day and two days after with­out real­iz­ing that the anniver­sary had passed.

Well, if that’s how it ends, good rid­dance. Time for me to hit the sack.

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