Oh the humanity

For the last sev­er­al months I’ve been strug­gling with The Miss­ing Sync soft­ware which han­dles syn­chro­niza­tion between my Palm and my Mac. It’s been very bro­ken and so I’ve had all the con­duits dis­abled. For MONTHS, that is. I’ve been putting up with things not work­ing right because, basi­cal­ly, that’s how com­put­ers are. They don’t work right unless you hap­pen to be both high­ly skilled and have the time to trou­bleshoot them and bend them to your will.

Today, for what­ev­er rea­son I don’t know I got in to my new office and went to open my pass­word appli­ca­tion on the Palm. The Palm was hard reset and ask­ing me to cal­i­brate the digitizer.

Per­haps if I had­n’t just left my old job there would be back­up copies of every­thing only a few days old on that com­put­er. But I did. So the only back­up is at home. And that’s at least three or four months old, and maybe more.

I use my Palm for every­thing. This crash lost me my motor­cy­cle mileage logs, every­thing I’ve writ­ten in the past few months, nev­er mind my names and address­es and calendar.

I guess I need­ed an excuse to start from scratch, but oh, this is painful.

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