
Your sci-fi character name!

Here’s a fun game you can play with all your friends. It’s your sci-fi movie char­ac­ter name! Here’s how it’s done:

Take your moth­er’s maid­en name. That’s your char­ac­ter’s first name. Then for the last name take your online bank­ing pass­word and stick the last four dig­its of your Social Secu­ri­ty num­ber on the end.

I am Tana­ka Sycamore7599!1

Was­n’t that fun?2

  1. Um, no, I’m not. Social media «games» in which you reveal per­son­al infor­ma­tion about your­self are a dan­ger­ous form of data min­ing which fall under the cat­e­go­ry of social hack­ing. Always be sus­pi­cious of any­thing that expos­es any per­son­al infor­ma­tion about your­self to the Inter­net, espe­cial­ly in such a way as to be eas­i­ly search­able by Web bots. It might be your best friend that post­ed the «game» to Face­book, but it’s like­ly that per­son just was­n’t think­ing about it. Heck, it prob­a­bly was fun. Still, it’s the sort of fun you should have in per­son, face to face, rather than leave sit­ting out in pub­lic for the rest of the world to for­ev­er be able to find it. 
  2. Please don’t post your answers in the com­ments. If you do, unless you specif­i­cal­ly indi­cate that the name was made up, I will delete the com­ment for your own good. 

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