Status update: some downtime expected
As Monochromatic Outlook prepares to celebrate its 21st anniversary, we are preparing to transfer the splicer.com domain to a new registrar. This is a pretty simple administrative change, but it’s quite possible that there will be some time between the change in registration and when the new registrar publishes the name service information and as that information propagates across the Internet.
The servers will be running the whole time, but may not be accessible from some locations. It’s not certain exactly when the transfer will occur, but it ought to be in the next few days. Depending on the timing and some other factors, it may be possible to make the necessary changes on our end immediately. If not users may experience errors when attempting to visit the site.
Why the change? It’s mostly organizational. I’m trying to keep all my domain registrations with one registrar for ease and simplicity of management. I moved most of my websites from a Virtual Private Server on Dreamhost a few years ago after a series of downtime incidents as their business grew faster than their capacity. These sites were moved to Hostway (Dreamhost’s service has recovered in the meantime; I have very little good to say about Hostway) and then to Linode, where they are currently running quite reliably. At some point in the future the topic of VPSes will be revisited.
Sometime after I moved most of these websites and databases I began to use another registrar: Namecheap. As the name suggests, their prices are quite competitive. I also found their online tools for managing registrations to be excellent and their customer service to be top-notch. As the expiration deadlines for domains have approached, one at a time I’ve moved existing domain registrations (separate from hosting) to Namecheap. My only complaint is that their name makes them sound like a fly-by-night operation — which they are not.
I regard Namecheap highly enough to include an affiliate link here. Granted, it’s the bottom of the page, but you might start seeing them up above as well.