For those about to live, I salute you

Bill Wat­ter­son has just bro­ken my back and shown me the bars to my cage, the edge of the matrix. OK, those words are actu­al­ly from a decade and a half ago. God, I wish I’d heard those words then. But they prob­a­bly would­n’t have meant any­thing to me then. It’s a chal­lenge to keep the demons of my own denial from forc­ing the truth from my brain.

It’s so much eas­i­er to live in Thore­au’s “qui­et des­per­a­tion.” Those snakes are self-repli­cat­ing. The baby-faced bas­tard that has his boot on the throat of my soul knows I’d rather sit and stew and make my com­fort­able living.

Maybe it’s time for me to can­cel my HBO subscription.

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