
OK note to self: don’t attempt to run long dis­tances with­out BodyGlide. There’s a blood­stain on my new Run To The Far Side shirt. Yes, blood. And no, I did­n’t notice that I was bleed­ing. I think it’s fair to say that “chaf­ing” “blood” and “nip­ple” are three words no one wants to hear in the same sentence.

The shirt is soak­ing now, I’m using cold water and I may have got­ten to it in time.

In the after­math of tonight’s … Read the rest

Getting my LSD

ham­mer­head will be proud of me today, I think. After all the fight­ing I’ve done with him over the heartrate I should tar­get when I run, today I went out and actu­al­ly did Long Slow Distance.

I strapped on the heartrate mon­i­tor and went out for a run and stuck reli­gious­ly to a heartrate of 155. When I’d see it creep­ing up toward 160, I’d slow it down and ease up. This kept me right about at 10Read the rest

Am I Stupid?

Look­ing at my num­bers this morn­ing it became painful­ly clear that liv­ing in my new place – which I don’t even like very much – is cost­ing me very close to a thou­sand dol­lars each month more than my old apart­ment. When I signed the lease I had­n’t even con­sid­ered expens­es like pay­ing for water, garbage, house­hold repairs, and liquor for my house­mate’s friends (I don’t drink the stuff myself). Add on to that increas­ing my old basic rent almost … Read the rest

Let me be your object lesson

I was a lit­tle dis­ap­point­ed in my per­for­mance at Run to the Far Side 10K today. I had a lot of fun, it was a love­ly day, but I did­n’t quite com­plete the course as fast as I want­ed. I was hop­ing to com­plete in 7:30/mile, and instead came out over 8:10/mile. Not bad, cer­tain­ly not enough to ruin a love­ly morn­ing, but a lit­tle dis­ap­point­ed in the numbers.

So I got home … Read the rest

Personal Care

I had already been plan­ning a trip to the gro­cery store to pick up some toi­let bowl clean­er after my lunch with Sam today. And yes­ter­day told me that I could stand to take some groom­ing and fash­ion tips from the gay guys I’m sur­round­ed by. So when Sam sug­gest­ed that I get some whiten­ing strips for my teeth, well, I try to do what Sam sug­gests any­way, but I went right to Safe­way and got some. Along with scuff Read the rest

The Current Application Does Not Support This Unicode-Only Character

Talk about failed promis­es: it’s near­ly 2005 and nei­ther the Mac­in­tosh ver­sions of Quark XPress nor Microsoft Word is up to the task of han­dling the basic typo­graph­i­cal needs of some­thing so sim­ple as a résumé. Grant­ed that on Win­dows I have to use sep­a­rate fonts to get char­ac­ters like small caps, lin­ing numer­als, or lig­a­tures, but since Adobe wants to sell Open­Type fonts, I don’t even have access to the fonts I was using on Win­dows as sep­a­rate fonts. … Read the rest

8.4 miles, strong finish

I did 8.4 miles today along the Mari­na Green and the Embar­cadero. I split it into three legs, out to the end of the Mari­na Green (plus a trip to the end of the Munic­i­pal Pier) and back, which is 2.7 miles each way, plus an addi­tion­al run out almost to the Fer­ry Build­ing and back, which is an even three miles. There’s one small hill at Fort Mason that I have to hit twice, but … Read the rest

PB on Twin Peaks

For months I’ve been try­ing to break 45 min­utes on my Twin Peaks run. It’s five miles, so 45 min­utes may not seem fast, but it’s a hilly run. Mean­ing the first 1.5 miles is all up; about 600 feet of ver­ti­cal ele­va­tion if I remem­ber cor­rect­ly. The last 3.5 is 600 feet down, but it’s a rolling descent with plen­ty of uphill and not much flat. Before today my best time was 46:45Read the rest