Dem bones, dem bones

I enjoyed Kathy Reich­s’s first nov­el Déjà Dead enough that, despite its few short­com­ings, I came back for sec­onds. I’m quite glad that I did.  The…

Dem bones

I’ve nev­er real­ly been much of a mys­tery buff but I’ve been curi­ous about the Tem­per­ance Bren­nan nov­els since I became famil­iar with the television…

In ovation

A few months ago I attend­ed a day-long class led by Scott Berkun, author of *The Myths of Inno­va­tion*. Includ­ed in the tuition was a…

Tell me about SCOTUS

My inter­est in the Supreme Court was rekin­dled recent­ly when I learned just pri­or to his retire­ment announce­ment that Jus­tice David Souter writes his opin­ions with a…

How Do You Spell Success?

The third book I read in 2009 was Mal­colm Glad­well’s Out­liers. I have not read Glad­well’s first book, The Tip­ping Point, but I was very…

Yes, I Know We’re Far From It

As O’Reil­ly books go, this is thin and light. That is par­tic­u­lar­ly appro­pri­ate giv­en the sub­ject mat­ter, but nev­er­the­less notable on a shelf next to…

Now I Wish I Had a Land Line

The first book I fin­ished read­ing in 2009 was Stephen King’s Cell. I picked up the hard­cov­er at Barnes & Noble’s clear­ance table. I went…