Go with the flow

Don’t ask me to pro­nounce Mihá­ly Csík­szent­mi­há­ly­i’s name but he has writ­ten an excel­lent book about cre­ativ­i­ty. It’s more accu­rate to say that he wrote…

Fictional author authors fiction

Clever. It’s a lit­tle bit of a dis­turb­ing prece­dent to set, but nev­er­the­less clever. Here is a nov­el writ­ten as a tie-in to ABC’s television…

Where will you be on October 232030?

I’m becom­ing con­cerned that my entire read­ing list con­sists of books I’ve learned about through hav­ing watched the tele­vi­sion shows. I dis­cov­ered the Tem­per­ence Brennan…

Set phasers on weak

I loved the recent *Star Trek* movie. There were some jar­ring sur­pris­es and it had plot holes you could fly a star­ship through, but that…

Dem Dry Bones

The twelfth and final book I read in 2009 was Kathy Reichs’ third nov­el, *Dead­ly Deci­sions*. I’m a bit embar­rassed that I only got through…

I Buy My Sunglasses At Night

There’s noth­ing like a good sto­ry of tri­umph over adver­si­ty, and It’s Not About the Bike: My Jour­ney Back to Life does­n’t dis­ap­point. Arm­strong’s story…