Meet The Parkers, Part I

Last month I report­ed that I got my hands on my old favorite pen, or the same mod­el of pen any­how. It was­n’t easy to find but I do now have a stain­less steel-bar­reled Park­er Vec­tor foun­tain pen. I won­dered how it would com­pare to some of the sim­i­lar mod­els of Park­ers, and since they were pret­ty inex­pen­sive, I ordered some. I had to (vir­tu­al­ly) go to Great Britain to find a Park­er I.M., which in the UK is mar­ket­ed … Read the rest

In Remembrance

Mount Davidson CrossToday is Armen­ian Remem­brance Day, a day set aside in mem­o­ry of the Armen­ian geno­cide by the Turks most­ly dur­ing World War I.

Pres­i­dent Bush made a state­ment today stat­ing «there can­not be rec­on­cil­i­a­tion until there is truth telling» but stopped short of using the word «geno­cide.» The gov­ern­ment in Ankara still insists that there was no geno­cide, but his­to­ri­ans gen­er­al­ly agree that the Turk­ish slaugh­ter of Arme­ni­ans was the first geno­cide of the Twen­ti­eth Century.

Here in … Read the rest

Review: Noodler’s Ink

My bot­tle of Auro­ra black is run­ning dan­ger­ous­ly low, so it was time to go ink shop­ping. I don’t know as much about inks as I’d like to, so I’ve been read­ing what I can find online. What I’ve been read­ing are raves from all cor­ners about a brand I was for­mer­ly unaware of: Noodler’s.

Noodler’s is an Amer­i­can com­pa­ny that makes inks for pens. Most foun­tain pen ink brands are pro­duced by pen com­pa­nies. While I don’t deny the … Read the rest

Steal This Disc! (or at least don’t send it to me)

Endgad­get whines about Jobs dis­tanc­ing Apple from DRM

This is not a home run by any means, but get­ting rid of the DRM pro­tec­tions and upping the bitrate to 256K bring me a lot clos­er to buy­ing albums that I’d like to keep… cur­rent­ly I buy indi­vid­ual songs or some­times albums that I don’t real­ly have a lot of attach­ment to.

I’m much more like­ly already to buy MP3s from labels that don’t attach copy pro­tec­tion. Six Degrees RecordsRead the rest



After all the writ­ing I did about the pens I do have, how about a lit­tle voy­age into fantasy?

This is the Water­man Edson Black Dia­mond. It has an 18 karat gold nib, which means it’s the sort of pen you don’t lend to a friend. Not because your friends are untrust­wor­thy, but because the gold is soft and over time will be shaped to match the way you hold your pen. Every­one holds their pen a lit­tle bit dif­fer­ent­ly, … Read the rest

Fountains, fountains everywhere, and not a drop of ink

I have two major shop­ping weak­ness­es. Well, three if you count elec­tron­ic junk, but I don’t feel a lot of con­nec­tion to elec­tron­ic junk. Some­times use­ful toys, but for the most part still toys. No, my virtue and vice gets rolled into two cat­e­gories: books and pens.

I’ve always bought books faster than I can read them. These days I’m not read­ing near­ly as much as I used to; it’s the end of March and I’ve fin­ished only sev­en books this … Read the rest

Junior Terrorist

I remem­ber being six or sev­en years old when tele­vi­sion was explained to me. It was around that time that I asked my dad about lasers. I was astound­ed to learn that the zap guns that blew up aliens in the movies were just very pow­er­ful bursts of light, all going in exact­ly the same direc­tion. It was then that I hatched my sin­is­ter plan to kill every­one in the Unit­ed States. One would have only to infil­trate the TV … Read the rest

Happy Birthday, GOP

It was on this day in 1854 that the Repub­li­can Par­ty was organized.

His­tor­i­cal­ly the GOP has stood for some very laud­able ideals and has fought effec­tive­ly for them. Some of the ideals of the Repub­li­can Par­ty may seem strange to mod­ern read­ers who read the news of the Repub­li­cans of today, but the ideals are worth embrac­ing even though today’s exe­cu­tion falls short of those ideals.

There is no vice in falling short of one’s ideals. The only vice … Read the rest

Seeing Double?

Some­where along the way I got the crazy idea to do a self-por­trait. Most­ly I want­ed to have some­thing rep­re­sen­ta­tive of my work on this page. I like the stark black and white tem­plate that I use, but it seems a lit­tle too dry. I want­ed to include some­thing that reflects my love for the con­trast of black and white lines. That’s what I do, after all. I don’t like the black and white tem­plate because I like things that … Read the rest