Across the Fourth Street bridge
Gorgeous weather out there today. Lots of people running. Reading Born to Run is a great inspirationit almost makes me wish I had it as an audiobook.
Today I definitely felt my legs protesting much more than they did on Saturday, but by the time I got to the far side of the ballpark I started to feel like I could just keep going. I think turning around at that point was a good call, especially as I did take a walk break at the 5K mark. Ultimately I’d rather go a moderate distance more frequently than long distances less frequently. I’m trying to get back into the habit, not just rack up miles.
Development by China Basin has really expanded in the last few years. I guess that’s no surprise to anyone, but I can’t say I remember ever seeing Fourth Street open to traffic all the way down to 16th Street. I ran from 16th Street to the North end of the Fourth Street bridge, the whole way on a sidewalk next to moving cars. Already there are shops in the middle of the UCSF complexthat could be a new destination for a morning «coffee run».