A marvelous morning for Sundance
I feel a little foolish logging a two and a half mile walk. A walk doesn’t feel like a run but the important thing is to get out there and put some miles behind me.
In one regard, my walk over to the Sundance coffee shop on Third Street is tougher than my runs out to the ballpark. To the ballpark and back is mostly flat. The total elevation gain no matter how far I go is around 120 feet. The trip over to Sundance is a bit hillierMy GPS reports over 400 feet of climbing over two and a half miles. At some point I’ll roll hillclimbing workouts into my running, but for now I’m saving the hills for my walking shoes.
The coffee at Sundance is pretty good but mostly I choose to go there because it’s about a mile away. It makes for a nice morning walk. Today I took a detour into my old neighborhood to pick up a copy of the Wall Street Journal. I haven’t found a place near my house that sells the Journal, but good old Reno’s Liquors in Dogpatch carries it. After my Dogpatch dogleg I circled back to Sundance, picked up my coffee and came back home. It’s a beautiful day and the jaunt was a great way to begin it.