Red Wings in the shop

I took the Red Wings in to get resoled on Sun­day, and they say it’ll take over a week before I get them back. That means I’m going to have to wear some oth­er kind of boots for my ride up to Tahoe and Yosemite this com­ing weekend.

I’m wear­ing my Doc Martens around, but I don’t think they’re up for the task of pro­tect­ing my feet or pro­vid­ing any sort of ankle sup­port. They feel like car­pet slip­pers after wear­ing the Red Wings. They’re just light and flim­sy. But hope­ful­ly bet­ter than nothing.

The clerk in the Red Wing store refused to take mon­ey for a pair of laces for the Doc Martens I’m wear­ing until my Red Wings get back from being resoled. It’s a small thing, but I’m real­ly impressed by the ges­ture to take care of a customer.

In oth­er news, I kin­da for­got how much Yel­lo rocks.

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