Couch to 4K

Nine days since my last run. I know that run­ning this infre­quent­ly just makes the whole process more dif­fi­cult, but I have to take my oppor­tu­ni­ties when I can. While I’ve been kept pret­ty busy with a full sched­ule late­ly, I can’t say that I don’t have oppor­tu­ni­ties. In this case, «oppor­tu­ni­ties» trans­lates to «win­dows of motivation.»

This morn­ing I had more get-up-and-go than usu­al. I’ve done laun­dry, cleaned the cat­box, tak­en the trash out, and topped it off with a run. It means I won’t get to paid work respon­si­bil­i­ties until prob­a­bly close to noon, but that’s not a huge problem.

Last night I had din­ner with a woman who did her first marathon this year. I’ve been telling myself for years that «this will be the year» and I haven’t yet made it hap­pen. A marathon is a big com­mit­ment and far out of the range of near­by pos­si­bil­i­ty, but I should­n’t let that stop me from get­ting start­ed. Maybe I ought to pick a marathon from next year’s cal­en­dar and start plan­ning a train­ing regimen. 

In any case, there are short­er-range goals I can plan on for next year: Bay to Break­ers, the Spring US Half, and of course DSE races darn near every week­end. The Thanks­giv­ing Turkey Trot is com­ing up; that’s a five mil­er that I could cer­tain­ly do. It also means that what­ev­er they are call­ing the Run to the Far Side these days (Run Wild?) can’t be too far away either.