To the tower in Tevas

One of the best parts of run­ning — or walk­ing, bicy­cling or even dri­ving a car — is actu­al­ly get­ting some­where. Once in a while (once recent­ly even) I’ll run in cir­cles on a track, but I don’t have much patience for it because I’m not actu­al­ly going any­where except around and around. Tread­mill run­ning is even worse. I don’t think I’ve even stepped on a tread­mill in six or sev­en years. There are things I enjoy in the gym, … Read the rest

Potrero stroll

ImageWhat? A sec­ond time out? Well this was just a walk. It adds a cou­ple miles to the log, but that’s about it.

On the way out I saw a diri­gi­ble fly­ing. I took a pic­ture, but the iPhone does­n’t quite have the res­o­lu­tion or zoom to catch a diri­gi­ble fly­ing over Oak­land from Potrero. On the way home I missed the sun­set, but not by much. It made a nice end to the day… Read the rest

Barefoot in the park

This morn­ing I gave bare­foot run­ning a try. All but about six-tenths of a mile of todays run were done as laps around Jack­son Park. I left the house wear­ing my Tevas (with a pair of socks in my pock­et in case bare­foot turned out to be too much and the Tevas chafed. Nei­ther hap­pened. I ran in the san­dals down to the park, stashed them behind one of the back­stops, and start­ed doing laps.

Most of the run­ning was in … Read the rest

To the studio and back

ImageI did­n’t end up spend­ing a lot of time at the stu­dio today; I had­n’t planned to. There were a cou­ple of things I want­ed to do and it made a good excuse to go for a walk. I end­ed up doing more pen clean­ing than pen using today but I did get a few lines down on a draw­ing and I picked up the things I want­ed to bring home from the studio.

I’d seen the «NO PARKIN» curb … Read the rest

New path!

I did a lit­tle explor­ing on my run today and dis­cov­ered a walking/running path just South of Chi­na Basin, which made for a pret­ty great short loop. I’d intend­ed to go see the new sec­tion of Berry Street where it emp­ties out onto Sev­enth Street; I rode through on my motor­cy­cle the oth­er day and was very impressed with what I found. I made a note in my head to come back and run along the North side of Chi­na … Read the rest

A run and walk on Bike to Work Day

It was one of those after­noons when I had to either get mov­ing or go to sleep and lose a chunk of my day. Any­thing mod­er­ate would have sim­ply tak­en me back to a nap, so it was that or dial up the intensity.

On my last run I ran 3.1 miles with­out tak­ing a walk break. I don’t like hav­ing to take walk breaks at all, so I’ve been try­ing to push far­ther with­out stop­ping to walk. … Read the rest

A marvelous morning for Sundance

I feel a lit­tle fool­ish log­ging a two and a half mile walk. A walk does­n’t feel like a run but the impor­tant thing is to get out there and put some miles behind me.

In one regard, my walk over to the Sun­dance cof­fee shop on Third Street is tougher than my runs out to the ball­park. To the ball­park and back is most­ly flat. The total ele­va­tion gain no mat­ter how far I go is around 120 feet. The … Read the rest

Across the Fourth Street bridge

Gor­geous weath­er out there today. Lots of peo­ple run­ning. Read­ing Born to Run is a great inspiration—it almost makes me wish I had it as an audiobook.

Today I def­i­nite­ly felt my legs protest­ing much more than they did on Sat­ur­day, but by the time I got to the far side of the ball­park I start­ed to feel like I could just keep going. I think turn­ing around at that point was a good call, espe­cial­ly as I did take … Read the rest

Sunday’s walk

This end­ed up being a few walks, or a long walk with sev­er­al stops along the way.

First was dis­cov­er­ing that there is a Philz Cof­fee at Fourth and Berry Streets. I used to get cof­fee from the orig­i­nal Philz on 24th Street back when I used to hang out in the Mis­sion more than I do now. Now there are sev­er­al through­out the Bay Area and while the atmos­phere of the new ones can’t com­pete with the orig­i­nal, the … Read the rest

Take myself out to the ballpark

I had a lit­tle trou­ble get­ting the GPS to con­nect to satel­lites on this run, so the path starts in a park­ing lot where I stopped to get unob­struct­ed access to the sky. Once it con­nect­ed I start­ed going again. I’m just con­sid­er­ing the third of a mile I ran before that a warmup that does­n’t make it onto the log. It was most­ly down­hill anyway.

I used to dis­like start­ing a run down­hill and then com­ing back uphill at … Read the rest