Go Lance, Go!

As much as I try to stay cool about the guy, Lance Arm­strong inspires me. There’s a lot about him that rubs me the wrong way, some of which I can’t even iden­ti­fy or artic­u­late. But then, beneath any­thing else, he’s a win­ner with a win­ning atti­tude. No mat­ter what else gets piled on, I just can’t resist the story.

The Writing of Royalty

I’d been curi­ous to read this for a short while. I con­sid­ered buy­ing a copy to read on the flight when I went to Ver­mont last week, but picked the book about the Iran hostage cri­sis instead. Then, at my grand­moth­er’s house as I got ready for bed, what should I see on the shelf?

The next day I asked her about it. She said she had loved it. When I asked if I could bor­row and read it, she rec­om­mend­ed it enthusiastically. 

This book didn’t take me hostage

In con­trast to Ken­neth Pol­lack­’s [*The Per­sian Puzzle*]([canonical-url:node/674]), which took me weeks to fin­ish, I read *Tak­en Hostage* on a flight from Cal­i­for­nia to New…

Mmmmm… Boogers!

This was a gift from my moth­er, and I did­n’t real­ize until I picked it up a few days ago that it was inscribed to…

This is feminism?

I’m real­iz­ing more and more that read­ing at all is an act of defi­ance. Hav­ing an opin­ion and express­ing it even more so. I want…

Not really lighter than air

This passed the time on the bus. I don’t real­ly have much of an opin­ion. Crich­ton is an intel­li­gent and skilled writer, so even this…

2005’s Book #2

I think this mean­dered a bit much. Cer­tain­ly it was writ­ten for an audi­ence that lived four or five gen­er­a­tions ago. The rel­e­vance of this…