Where God speaks

I’m not pre­tend­ing that any deity gives me sports scores or tells me to start a cult but I do have process of putting ques­tions to the uni­verse and wait­ing for answers to appear in my head. Some would call it sub­con­scious infor­ma­tion pro­cess­ing, oth­ers med­i­ta­tion, and still oth­ers prayer. Under var­i­ous names most peo­ple have some way of doing this by let­ting go of the ques­tions and some­how let­ting the answers come to them. I find it works bet­ter to anthro­po­mor­phize it and let the infor­ma­tion come from some­one some­where else even if they are com­ing from with­in. At least that’s how I explain the ben­e­fit of prayer with­out delv­ing into the­ol­o­gy. Whether I believe in God is a ques­tion I don’t know how to answer. But I do ask Him for advice and some­times even lis­ten for answers.

Dr Tyson, again

I have a lit­tle bit of expe­ri­ence with run­ning with legs that haven’t run in a month. It’s almost all I’ve done in the last…

Spacemen by the seashore

Well, real­ly space­men by the bayshore, but it sounds bet­ter with allit­er­a­tion. And I real­ly did­n’t want to lead with «Astro­nauts by the estu­ary» for…

Walk, don’t run

I’ve been instruct­ed by one of my doc­tors to do a ten minute walk every day. It’s embar­rass­ing to have to be told to do…

With the rain at my heels

One can look at life in one of two ways: as not hav­ing sec­ond chances or as some­thing with lim­it­less sec­ond chances. Both are useful…

Couch to 4K

Nine days since my last run. I know that run­ning this infre­quent­ly just makes the whole process more dif­fi­cult, but I have to take my…